Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's Not the Coffee, It's the Cream

Good news for coffee drinkers (especially oldster coffee drinkers like me) - a new study shows no connection between coffee drinking and coronary heart disease. From NewsfactorMagazine Online:

Data on more than 120,000 participants in two U.S. studies that followed people for as long as two decades found no link between heart disease and a daily intake of six or more cups of coffee. In fact, the risk was the same as for people who had less than one cup of coffee or tea a month.

How-some-ever, the study doesn't apply to french press coffee. "Studies have consistently shown that drinking a lot of French-press coffee increases low-density lipoprotein, the bad cholesterol," says van Dam, research scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health and a co-author of the report.

Uh oh.

And of course, if you like those fatty coffee-ish drinks then you're asking for cholesterol trouble.

I guess the answer is ... drink espresso, and drink it black!


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