Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Basics of Coffee Tasting

Experienced tasters follow a strict routine ritual when tasting.

They deliberately slurp coffee and swirl it all around the surface of the tongue and mouth. They want to obtain the full experience of the taste, the unique combination of sensations in the nose and on the tongue.

For all intents and purposes, our sense of smell and sense of taste are inseparable. Without our sense of smell, our taste sensations are limited. The tongue detects 4 basic sensations: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Most of what we experience as taste depends upon our sense of smell.

The tasting experience begins before you brew – with the grinding. When you smell ground coffee, you experience the first impression of its flavor – its Fragrance.

Aroma refers to your first encounter with a coffee when it’s brewed – literally, the first contact of water and coffee.


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