Golden Rule Tips

3. Tamp Pressure: If you are not sure what 30lbs. of pressure feels like, get out the bathroom scale. Place a paper towel over the scale, unless your feet are really clean, (yuck!), and place the portafilter handle with basket in it on the scale and press down with your tamper until the scale reads 30lbs.
4. It's all about what you want! Everyone's taste is a bit different. These are just guidelines. Every coffee is a bit different, so the required grind and pull will vary slightly.
With your own grinder:
1. If you get 2 to 2.5 ounces in 10 or 15 sec's, your shot is fast. Try making your grind setting finer. Remember this is an experiment! Only change your grind setting, keep the coffee amount and tamp consistent.
2. If you get 2 to 2.5 ounces in 35 sec's, your shot is slow. Try a coarser grind. Remember consistent coffee amount and tamp.
Without your own grinder:
If you do not have your own grinder, then obviously you can't vary your grind setting. So, the next best thing is to vary tamp pressure. If the shot is too quick, tamp harder. If the shot is too slow, tamp lighter.
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