Tips & Tricks: Wet Your Coffee Pod & Heat Your Brewer

- Wet Your Pod Before Brewing.
It's really that simple. If you have an instant hot dispenser or even a little cool water, moistening the pod will improve the overall extraction of the coffee. Some pod brewers like the Grindmaster pre-moisten the coffee pod before brewing, but most don't have this feature.
Another trick is to take the pod holder and simply run hot water over it. This achieves a moist coffee pod when you place the pod in the holder and a better overall extraction due to the seal the wet pod will make over a dry pod.
We also recommend heating up the brewer and running some water through it to heat up the brewing area. In any of the brewers we test, we always run an ample amount of water through the machine prior to making a cup of coffee and we don't just do this for coffee pod based machines - this trick will work for all single serve coffee machines.
Trust us. A moistened pod and a hot brewer will make a much better cup of single serve coffee coffee.
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