Juice and Java Lounge
The Juice and Java Lounge was first established in early 2005 and is dedicated to providing an outstanding cafe experience to all visitors.
We have three main passions:
1. Outstanding, gourmet roasted coffee
2. Outstanding juices and smoothies, teas and other cold drinks
3. Fresh, healthy foods
After an exhaustive search, gourmet coffee roastery ‘The Coffee Roaster’ was engaged to supply our new cafe with all coffee and coffee related products. ‘The Coffee Roaster’ was selected because of their track record within the coffee industry, their roasting methods (most importantly in relation to roasting consistency), and finally, their attention to detail regarding all aspects of the espresso business.
As well as making outstanding ‘in-house’ coffees at our cafe in Surry Hills, we also sell bags of gourmet coffee there and more recently via this website. Our bulk coffee business is growing rapidly as more and more coffee lovers discover the outstanding quality and consistency of our gourmet coffee.
Juices and Smoothies
Our passion for healthy fresh juices come from owning and operating a successful juice and smoothie bar at some of Sydney’ busiest organic food markets. Such is the freshness and vitality of Sydney’ produce that we are able to provide a range of delicious juice combinations which taste fantastic and carry outstanding health benefits.
Our smoothies and ice crushers are also made with top quality fruit and are 100% natural, containing no add sugar, syrups, or other additives. Furthermore, our range is continually expanding so watch this space!
Healthy Food
We are currently developing a range of healthy foods to compliment our coffees and juices. Again, the emphasis is on health, vitality, consistency and quality.
It is our goal at Juice & Java Lounge to always provide a quality cafe experience for our clients and to consistently improve and develop our skills and products to ensure we are at the cutting edge of the gourmet coffee and juice markets in Australia. We have discovered the joy of truly ne coffees and juices and look forward to sharing that experience with you.
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