Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cold-Water Coffee Brewing

While I admit I’m not a big fan of coffee, I do drink it fairly regularly. The caffeine can’t be beat, and I’m a big fan of espresso and cappucino drinks. I generally like my coffee concentrated. Therefore, there’s this little item called The Toddy that looks awesome. You grind up coffee beans, and stick some cold filtered/spring water in there with them, and let this thing “brew” for 12 hours. It doesn’t need any electricity, so you can easily do it overnight or while you’re at work. What you get is a coffee syrup that’s 67% less acidic than normal coffee. You can keep it for up to 2 weeks in the refridgerator. You just add it to some hot or cold water, with some sugar, and bam! good instant coffee. None of that Folgers crap.
Naturally, I want to know how the syrup tastes. Screw diluting it, can it be drinken like espresso? And does anyone know how the caffeine fares with this system? reviews are great for this thing…


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